I use a person-centered approach to connect with individuals and work together using music, movement and drama skills. I bring many years of professional experience and practical working in the arts; working with musicians, dancers, actors, teachers, artists, students and the public. I have built upon my experience in collaborative theatre, teaching in schools and working with adults and children with learning disabilities, by training in counselling methods and Psychotherapy. I see creativity as

My activities, include sound/music and movement/drama skills

improvisation and composition

fun, health and self-development.

I encourage sharing and listening,  sensitivity and humour to bring people closer to themselves and their learning goals. We can use art to access what cannot be said in words. My work with adults and children with learning disabilities is a constant source of inspiration. My aim is to develop an accredited creative therapy practise which can adapt to the needs of people with learning disabilities and difficulties and to provide a service which is not only fun but can address problems or developmental issues with sensitivity and scope for personal change.

For people of all abilities.

(see CV below)

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Work experience in Special Education, a selection from 30 years of professional creative self-employment.

: Holly Grove Primary special school Burnley – music classes years 1 – 6 Working on listening skills, handling sound, presenting and sharing – helping staff to assess individual potential for communication development.

: 12 years working with Corali Dance Company  – a company of learning disabled adults founded in 1989.  I have worked regularly with Corali as co-devisor, musician and workshop leader making original dance work in professional settings including Tate Modern, Whitechapel Art Gallery and Sadlers Wells Theatre and many more .  I help the company develop strategy for work and for dancers’ development.

Corali members also co-lead education projects in SEN and mainstream schools.

: Action Space Mobile, Barnsley – 2 Day project for Children with ASD and their parents based around narrative and mixed art activities. I played music and lead the sound work.

Oakwood School, a specialist arts and technology college, Swinton.  Music Technology workshops and Body Awareness.

Music – starting with listening to a selection of recordings and building up to making our own music on Garage Band.

Body – Looking at how the body works; balance, weight sharing, cooperation exercises, personal space… whilst avoiding the word “dance”.

Oakwood and Chatsworth special schools. Active presentation built around the work of Corali Dance company, powerpoint slides leading from question and answer to practical movement work.

: Claire Russ Ensemble – we worked in many day care centers and residential homes across the Midlands and North West, using Contact Improvisation skills to enhance body awareness for staff and residents, and making shared performances for fun and confidence.